Our online self-study courses put test-takers on the path to rapid score improvement

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We help students earn top scores

#1 Rated course

#1 Rated course

5-Star Rated Course

5-Star Rated Course

+ 180 points
Above all test-takers
Avg. reported score on the GMAT®
+ 18 points
Above all test-takers
Avg. reported score on the GRE®
*From TTP users who posted verified reviews on GMAT Club and GRE Prep Club

Get the tools you really need to conquer your test

Comprehensive Content

Comprehensive Content

Target Test Prep courses are your one-stop shop for all of the content and strategies you need to master your exam, taught with unprecedented clarity and detail.
Effortless Customization

Effortless Customization

Our courses allow you to focus on learning the precise content you need to reach your specific score goal, and to learn at a pace that is right for you.
Powerful Technology

Powerful Technology

Our cutting-edge technology provides a user experience unlike any other, guiding you seamlessly through each step of your preparation and tracking every aspect of your progress along the way.

Crystal-clear lessons taught in a revolutionary way

Our courses combine time-tested teaching methods with innovative learning science, so students can master each concept thoroughly and systematically.

We understand that students have a lot of ground to cover when studying for standardized tests, so our lessons are both comprehensive and easy to digest, with ample practice and step-by-step video solutions to reinforce learning.

Courses engineered for efficient learning

Our courses are intelligently designed to make your learning as effective and engaging as possible. You’ll always know exactly what to do next and how far you are from your score goal.

With detailed study plans, robust analytics, and customized practice, TTP™ courses analyze your performance and target your weak areas at the granular level, so your score improves in leaps and bounds.

Teachers who know how to get big wins for their students

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Founder & CEO

An expert in the test prep game, Scott has spent more than a decade helping test-takers bust through score plateaus and surpass their score goals on standardized tests. With a background in teaching math, physics, chemistry, and biology, Scott knows how to break down even the toughest concepts for students of any level.

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller
Head of GMAT/GRE/EA instruction

Jeff has logged more than 10,000 hours of tutoring, helping students from around the world earn the test scores they needed to gain entry to their top-choice schools. In addition to knowing how to think like the test-makers, Jeff is a master performance coach who helps his students develop a winning mindset.

Join the global community of students who prefer to study with TTP™

Amazing course, both Verbal and Quant. 10/10. The entire team was super approachable on chat, with all my random queries or advice requested.
Scored 760 on the GMAT®
Thanks to Target Test Prep, I got admitted to both of the schools I applied to, Columbia and NYU. I haven’t decided yet where to go, but I’m happy to have options!
Earned a Q168 / V166
Emma (USA)
Emma (USA)
Earned a Q168 / V166 on the GRE®
Adrianna (USA)
Adrianna (USA)
Improved from Q155 to Q163 on the GRE®
Aniket (India)
Aniket (India)
Scored 740 on the GMAT®
Daniel (Australia)
Daniel (Australia)
Improved from 430 to 710 on the GMAT®
Lessons studied